Monday, December 10, 2012

It's been a long time..

It's been over a year since I have written on my blog.  A very hard year.  Both of my parents passed away in the summer of 2011, just two months apart.  My last posting was about buying a house for my mom to come and live with us.  She passed before she was able to move in.  Now I have the perfect house for my mom and no mom.  It has been harder than I ever dreamed possible. BUT I have been richly blessed with wonderful, incredible family and friends that have supported me.  I haven't felt like writing until now. 
I was asked to share a story, actually write it out, for our women's bible study next week. I reminded me that there is so much God has shown me over the years and I feel like for the first time in a long time. I'm ready to share!
It has been an amazing year of learning to trust when I can't see the answer, when I don't know the outcome.  I feel like I have about a million posts bubbling up inside of me, so watch out!
Thoughout the process of grieving, growing and learing I have continually been gripped by HIS grace to me a sinner. Absolutely amazed at how much His love is poured out to me though His body.  This past October I had open heart surgery and the journey of healing has been way longer and WAY slower than I had anticipated.  I am used to going and meeting people and to feel like I want to just sleep, well I can't get used to that.  So I have been spending a lot of time with the Lord. What a glorious time we have had! Again about a million post bubbling inside.  I can't wait to share with you all that He has been showing me and teaching me.
So stop back often.  I'm anxious to share with you some grace stories.
The first is the one I wrote about for our women's bible study this week.
I wish I could remember the woman's name who spoke at the retreat, Mary something but I will always remember what she shared.
I hope you enjoy the story and are challenged to walk in obediance.

The Holy Spirit and Onions                                                   

I went to retreat years ago and the speaker was sharing about what it looked like to daily walk surrendered to the Holy Spirit.  She shared a story I will never forget.
She mentioned that in her quite time this particular morning she prayed and told the Lord that she wanted to walk totally surrendered. “Whatever that means Lord I want to listen and obey. ”  She was on her way to the grocery store continually praying that God would use her.  She went into the grocery store praying, “Oh Lord I want to be surrendered to your Holy Spirit whatever you call me to do.”
She got to the produce aisle and was having a sweet time just praising the Lord. She heard the still small voice whisper, Sing praise to me. 
Oh of course Lord, she said. So in her mind she began to sing.  Again she heard the Lord speak to her heart, Sing out loud. 
Out loud?  Lord, I’m in the middle of Safeway.  Right in front of the onions?  If I start signing, Oh what a friend we have in Jesus, people will think I’m crazy. 
Sing out loud
But Lord..
Did you not just this morning tell me you wanted to hear and obey my voice?
Ok Lord, she said.  I will obey.  So she closed her eyes, she didn’t want to see the people’s reaction.  She very quietly began to sing.
Oh what a friend we have in Jesus.
 All our sins and grief’s to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer.

She began to sing a little louder
Oh what peace we often forfeit.
Oh, what needless pain we bear.
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.

By now she was having church right there in the produce aisle.  Right there with the onions. 
She opened her eyes to see a young man weeping in front of her.  She stopped singing and asked the young man, “Are you ok?” 
”No ma’am  I’m not.  You see my mom used to sing that song to me all the time.  I haven’t talked to her in over a year and I’ve made some very bad choices.  I was unloading the onions and I was so sad missing my mom that I cried out and said God if you are real I need to know right now!  I heard you softly singing that song and I was going to just walk away and then you got louder and I couldn’t ignore it.”
She shared how she had the opportunity to pray with that young man and lead him back to his savior.
God desires to invite us into amazing experiences just like that if we are willing to surrender to the Holy Spirit and yield to His small voice. 
 Even if it’s singing in the produce aisle!

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