Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Life is Hard!

Let's face it life is hard.
 My dad, who will be 90 in September, had open heart surgery this past week.  I flew down to Florida to be with him and my mom.  My mom will be 88 the end of this month and for the two of them life is hard.  Mom has trouble getting around and uses a walker.  Now Dad will need additional care and Mom worries that she will not be able to handle it. Mom says growing old isn't for sissy's.
As I watch the two of them struggle with the physical limitations that age brings I am reminded that life is hard.
God does not promise us an easy life. He doesn't even promise us a good life but what He does promise us is that He will journey along side of us.  He will not leave us alone or forsaken.  He will not abandon us in our time of trial.
As I watch my parents age, I see their love for each other grow sweeter, and it is a great blessing.
Growing up my parents fought A LOT! I mean A LOT! But when God got ahold of their lives, at 59 & 60!! He radically changed the course of their lives and the lives of our whole family.
In Joel 2:25 , God says He will restore the years the locust has eaten.  The word restore means to give back or return.  He will restore what the enemy has stolen from us. 
I have seen that scripture truth manifested in the lives of my parents.  God has given them a love for each other that is sweet to witness. When we walk into the hospital room my dad's face lights up when he sees my mom.  My mom lovingly looks at him and says to me, "He's my man and I love him so."  The years the enemy robbed from them, God has given back 100 fold.
So yes, life is hard, trials come BUT God is good.  God is faithful! He is a restorer.
When you look back on your life and see all that you allowed the devil to take, remember God is a restorer
When you look at life and see it as hard, remember God is good! Oh so very good.
My heart sings tonight, because even when things are hard, my God shows me again and again that He is here and He is all I need!
Yes life is hard, but God is good!

1 comment:

  1. Praying, dear Marie, for both your parents, AND you. And this is sooo true. Life IS hard - but God is good. All the time.
