Thursday, February 24, 2011


I was thinking about Hope the other day and it got me thinking..What does it mean to hope?
 Last week we were visited with the hope of spring.  We saw all those huge piles of snow melt away right before our eyes and the air smelled like spring.  And even though we live in Michigan where winter lasts well past February our hope soared to thoughts of spring.  I know I was getting out my spring coat and getting excited about putting away the scarves and mittens.  Some of you probably where looking at flower catalogs and envisioning yourself planting all sorts of flora.  I admit I was dreaming of daffodils and crocuses. 
But as I looked out my window Sunday afternoon the snow was coming down hard and fast.  In a few short hours there was four inches of fresh snow and more on its way. It made my heart sick.  Winter was back and gone was my hope in an early spring.

The bible says in Proverbs 13:12
Hope deferred makes the heart sick.
Hope put in something other than God or deferred makes the heart sick.
What does that look like have deferred hope?
There are so many “things” that we put our hope in. Last week for many of us it was the weather. Maybe finding the perfect new outfit for the weekend? A good grade on a test? Maybe it’s hope in the unknown.  Hope that you will find Mr. Right and live happily ever after. Or it’s hope that you will be able to just make it through the day without losing your mind. Maybe it’s the hope that your husband will be nicer.
The dictionary says that hope means to cherish a desire with anticipation, to expect with confidence.  If my desire or expectation is in anything other than God my heart will grow sick.  I will be disappointed.  I won’t find the right outfit, I‘ll end up with a bad grade or my husband will forget my birthday.  When we hope in “things” or other people we will be disappointed.  Our hearts will be sick.
BUT that same scripture, Prov. 13:12 goes on to say, a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
If we put our longing, our hope in Christ it will bring us LIFE!
 Psalm 42:11 says,
Why, my soul, are you downcast?
   Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
   for I will yet praise him,
   my Savior and my God.

In The Message it says,

 Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?
      Why are you crying the blues?
   Fix my eyes on God—
      soon I'll be praising again.
   He puts a smile on my face.
      He's my God.

When we put our hope in “things” it will make our heart sick.  It will cause our soul to be downcast, and we will find ourselves singing the blues! BUT if we put our hope in God, fix our eyes on HIM, He will put a smile on our face!

 Now that is something to shout about! That my sister, is SOMEONE to HOPE IN!

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