Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why do we pray?

Ever since becoming a Christ follower I have believed in the power of prayer.  I believed that when you pray God hears and answers your prayer. I have prayed for sick children, aging parents, and parking spots! I have seen answers to prayers; I have experienced miracles first hand and have seen God do amazing things.  So why was I so surprised when God answered my latest request?  Let me back up and give you some background. The end of May, my sweet father passed away.  He was 89 and very ready to go home to meet his Lord. I was just not ready to have him go. My mom decided she did not want to live alone down in Florida but would rather live with me up in Michigan.  I was thrilled but that meant I would have to sell my house and buy one more conducive to mom’s mobility.  I live in a bi-level and she uses a walker.  I told everyone I know to pray for a quick sale of our home.  I prayed and asked others to pray.  We listed the house on Wednesday and by Thursday we had 3 showings and 3 offers.  We ended up selling for more than we were asking.  I couldn’t believe it. Really?  Had I not prayed?  Had I not believed God could do beyond what I had asked? 
As a believer I was familiar with God not answering my prayer in the way I was asking. I had counseled people on how to deal with the seemingly “unanswered” prayer. How God always answers, just not in the way we ask.  I asked God to heal my dad; His answer was to heal him completely by taking him home.  I would pray for a friend’s marriage and see God move in her heart to soften and heal old wounds but His answer while always the best was 9 times out of 10 not directly what I had prayed.  I was always amazed at the lessons I would learn about trusting and obeying.  About letting go and allowing Him to have control.  That I was comfortable with, but this?  Answering my prayer exactly the way I had asked?  Even down to the exact amount I was hoping to sell for. This was something new. This was something I really had not experienced before.  Nothing this dramatic, this miraculous, this totally against the way the market was.  When I would ask people to pray I would hear, “Wow it will take a miracle in this market” What are you going to do if your house doesn’t sell?  Are you going to rent? Maybe you could put your mom in assisted living, because your house probably won’t sell in this market.” When it did sell I realized just how much I had let doubt cloud my prayers. In James 1:6-8 it says;
But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. 7 Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.
Verse 7-8 in The Message reads this way;
People who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.
It hit me when I read that. Is that how I pray?  Do I “worry my prayers”? Do I ask God but keep my options open, saying in essence, yes I believe you can do what I am asking but I have a Plan B just in case.  Is trusting and really giving God control letting go of my plan B?  I think that is exactly what James is saying and exactly what God wanted to teach me through this house sale.  Now I know that God still answers our prayers in ways that we aren’t expecting and we are planning on but what happens when He does?  I found that I am completely overwhelmed with Him.  My faith grew because it was as if He was saying, Marie I got this one.  No worries, daughter, trust me I am your Plan A-Z"

What about you?  Do you pray believing God will do what He says He will do, trusting Him with the outcome?  Or do you, “worry your prayers” keeping all your options open?
Let’s commit to trust God deeper and believe Him more.  When we pray let’s put our faith in God ALONE, putting our total loyalty in Him alone!

After I wrote this post my sweet mom passed away.  It is bittersweet to move into the house we bought to share with her.  I will post more on the journey...


  1. God is SO amazing. Praying for you, sweetheart. Thank you, Marie, for sharing your heart.

  2. Dearest Marie,

    You will be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing your faith, part of your journey and most of all thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us through these words. God bless you!

