The long and winding road..That song by The Beatles, was going through my mind as I laid in the hospital room wondering if they would be able to figure out what was wrong with me.
That is what this journey has seemed like, a long and winding road going nowhere.
A few weeks ago I started bleeding and went into the hospital. Over the past 3 weeks I have received 6 blood transfusions and still they can not figure out where the bleeding is coming from. Test after test have given the doctors no answers. The bleeding would stop and then start more transfusions more hospital stays still no answers.
A few weeks ago I started bleeding and went into the hospital. Over the past 3 weeks I have received 6 blood transfusions and still they can not figure out where the bleeding is coming from. Test after test have given the doctors no answers. The bleeding would stop and then start more transfusions more hospital stays still no answers.
I realized something that morning in the hospital. It isn’t about trusting in the doctors to find the answers. It isn’t about trusting the nurses to care for me or even in my family or friends. It is all about trusting in the Lord. It isn’t always easy when you see the long and winding road but that is when you get into trouble, looking at the length of the road.
Psalm 119:105 says;
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
I remember reading a book by Stormie Ormartian titled; Just enough light for the step I’m on.
She said that the word lamp in that passage refers to an oil lamp that was placed on the toe of a sandal. It gave just enough light for one step.
That is what God’s word is for us, just enough light for the next step. He gives me strength for just the next step, nothing more. That is all I need. That is all any of us need. It’s just not what we want!
I know I want to know what is at the end of this long and winding road. Where will it lead? How will it end? WHEN will it end? But that is not what He has promised us. His promise is just enough light for the next step.
What about you? Are you looking at the length of the journey and like me getting discouraged. Are you looking down the long and winding road?
Let’s together remember that the light that He gives is just enough to light the next step. Let’s trust each step to Him, believing that He sees the whole picture and He loves us enough to walk the path with us.
Let’s together remember that the light that He gives is just enough to light the next step. Let’s trust each step to Him, believing that He sees the whole picture and He loves us enough to walk the path with us.
He will never leave or forsake us!
Let’s, each of us, look to Jesus and His word to give us the strength and courage to take the next step knowing He is guiding us and leading us HOME!